
Guide on How to Study for the US CMA Exams | US CMA Course Full Details

Tips & Tricks to Study for the US CMA Exams?

Hello, and welcome back to our new blog! We have completed 6 months of 2024. Are you finding it challenging to stay on track with your goals amidst the hustle and bustle of the year? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had to juggle various commitments and adapt to the changing pace of life. For many, personal goals and professional development plans might have taken a back seat for a while, and we want you to know that it’s understandable to focus on immediate priorities.

Soon though, July will end, and you will need to find a way to get back on track with your goals. It might feel like the summer relaxation and mid-year slowdown have made it tough to regain momentum, but with the right mindset, you can return recharged and ready to accomplish your aspirations. Even if you haven’t begun working on your goals, there’s no better time to start than now.

Talk to our experts now!

This second half of the year, resolve to achieve your professional milestones. To help, here are some tips to make your goals a priority and ensure they are achievable. As we find ourselves in July 2024, with three CMA exam testing windows available, why not prioritize clearing the US CMA course exams as your most important goal?

Consider these below points to help you stay focused on passing the US CMA course exam.

Shall we quickly get started?

1) Simplify your goals and focus on passing the CMA exam

  • No doubt, it’s tempting to allow yourself to get swept up in the excitement of making new resolutions. You could learn a new language, take yoga classes thrice a week, write a novel or learn how to play a guitar. But is it realistic to do all of that and study for the CMA exam while keeping up with your current commitments?
  • For most of us, it isn’t. Instead of piling a ton of new things on your to-do list, make studying for the exam the only new item or your to-do list.
  • You cannot have your cake and eat it too. This means that you will need to cut down on time spent on doing non-productive activities like lazing around, watching TV or going out too often.
  • Clearing the CMA exam is the top goal and focusing your attention on it will help ensure success. It can be a little hard at first to postpone other goals, but an investment of time into earning your CMA certification can begin paying return on investment almost immediately, and you will be better equipped to tackle new life goals with enhanced credentials and opportunities.

2) Create a realistic study plan

  • It is not realistic to plan to study five hours a night, every single day and then try to fit another 12 hours on weekends. Very few people have that kind of time or energy to do that, even among full-time students.
  • Find a schedule that works the best for you and stick to the same schedule each week. On an average, Part 1 requires 170 study hours, which you can cover in 10-13 weeks, and Part 2 takes 130 hours, which you can cover in 8-11 weeks.
  • However, this can vary depending on how soon your exam is and how much time you have for studying.
  • Be honest with yourself about what you’re willing to remove from your to-do list and what you can’t give up.
  • Then, create your own plan, break that down into small manageable chunks. This will eventually help you move forward towards your ultimate goal of becoming a CMA.

3) Be Optimistic

  • When you finally gather courage and think about studying for the CMA exam, think of it as positively climbing the corporate ladder that will have a direct impact on your lifestyle, future career prospects and paychecks for years to come.
  • At all times, avoid thinking of studying in terms of what you’re giving up. Always remember that you’re doing this for a reason, not just to miss out on a night out after work or being completely up-to-date on your favourite Netflix series.
  • Yes, you’re making sacrifices now, but in the long run, they will look like minor sacrifices. And, unlike knowing exactly what happens to your favourite character on that Netflix series the night it airs, studying will benefit your life for years to come.
  • For example, if passing the CMA exam will result in a raise, you might already have plans for that extra money. Maybe you want to visit Paris or actually sign up for those guitar lessons.
  • Put a picture of the Eiffel Tower or a guitar on your computer monitor. Seeing that picture daily will give your unconscious mind the continued motivation to keep working hard.

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4) Initial Study Challenges

  • Always keep in mind that the first few weeks of studying consistently will be challenging. As they rightly say, developing a new habit takes some time.
  • Once you overcome the initial study challenges, it gets easier.
  • Just take it one day at a time, and you will get the momentum going. A body in motion tends to stay in motion, so get that motion started.

5) Keep a record of your accomplishments

  • There could be a big poster with a list of the concepts in Part 1 with boxes to check off as you keep progressing.
  • Or there could be a spreadsheet app in your phone that tracks your progress. The point is to show yourself that you’re making progress every day.
  • Once you see that a third of the concepts are completed, you might feel highly motivated to move on to the next concepts.
  • When you have all the concepts completed and checked off, take some time to acknowledge your hard work and reflect on all that you have learned.

Talk to our experts now!

How Edupristine can help you?

At EduPristine, our delivery revolves around two pivotal parameters that shape your learning experience: delivering exceptional content from across the globe and providing you with the guidance of industry experts.

1) Quality of Content:

The quality of content is the backbone of your learning journey and to ensure that you receive nothing but the best, we have partnered with Becker. Becker partners with the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) to ensure that the most up-to-date content is always available so there are no surprises on exam day. Becker stands as a hallmark of excellence in delivering content for the US-CMA program, earning top ratings and unparalleled popularity. Becker has been a leader in exam preparation and continued education for over 60 years now.

2) World-Class Faculty:

Our commitment to your success extends beyond just content. Our expert faculty members bring a unique blend of academic expertise and real-world experience, with an average of 15 years of post-qualification corporate exposure. This ensures that you not only pass your exams but also develop a comprehensive understanding and practical application of the concepts.

Our support doesn’t stop at content and faculty; we go the extra mile to meet your individual needs:

  • Personalized and Flexible Learning
  • Career Ready
  • Focused Exam Success

Read what our current and past students and have to say about us-not only for the US-CMA program but across programs. After all, what better than to take feedback from existing students on their experience? They have gone through the journey that you are going to embark on, and they have no reason to tell you anything but the truth. We also encourage you to visit our centre in Mumbai and Delhi from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm for a personalized one-on-one counselling. We are open all throughout the week. Additionally, you can also visit our website for more CMA course details. All the very best and happy learning!

Virendra Yadav

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